Professional Personal Trainer, Dancer and CrossFit Athlete.
FILA Greece official Ambassador since 2016.
International presenter and participant in several conferences in Italy and France.
Certified fitness instructor from the private sector/organisation STUDIO ONE for the following specialties:
Personal Trainer
Group Exercise Leader
Cardio Choreography
Step Cardio Choreography
Choreography Masterworks (1st Place)
Group Resistance Trainer (Body Weight Training, Theatrical Resistance Training, Super Circuit Group Training, Group Training Equipment: Balls, Mats, Elastic Bands, Bars, Bosu)
Tae Box Instructor
Power Cycling Instructor L2 by Douglas Brooks
Works in fitness industry since 2013 basically for the below scopes of training.
Aerobic, Step, Dance Aerobic, Fitness/Personal Training and CrossFit Training.